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Need good Hacking software for gaining access to restricted files? Here is a list of top 10 Hacking software.

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There are Hacking Software for Laptop, Hacking Software for Windows 7, Hacking Software for Windows 8, Hacking software download, free PC to Mobile, Hacking software download, free for Windows XP, Hacking software free for Mobile and Free Hacking Software for PC.

1. Nmap- Simple Hacking Software

Download this simple software to uncover bugs on your PC and fix them

  • Easy user interface and widely used
  • Provides for port scanning and fingerprint detection
  • Also provided for OS detection, scanning an IP range and alive hosts
  • Rich command mode for advanced users which can combine several commands together
  • Hosts its Google opensource project every year.
  • Completely free with no additional costs for upgrade.

2. SuperScan- Free Hacking Software

Download this basic software for a cool scanning experience

  • Superior scanning speed
  • Unlimited support for IP ranges
  • Improved host detection using diverse ICMP methods
  • TCP SYN scanning incorporated
  • Two methods of UDP Scanning’
  • IP address import supporting ranges and CIDR formats
  • Simple HTML report generation
  • Source port scanning’
  • Fast Hostname resolving
  • Extensive banner grabbing

3. Cain and Abel- Password Hacking Software

This software doubles up as a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems

  • WEP Cracking
  • Speeds up packet capture speed through wireless packet injection
  • Records VOIP conversations
  • Decodes scrambled passwords
  • Reveals password boxes
  • Uncovers cached passwords
  • Dumps protected storage passwords

4. John the Riper- Useful Hacking Software

This useful hacking software is primarily used for cracking passwords open.

  • Available for many flavors of Unix, DOS, Win32, BeOS and Open VMS
  • Supports Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 LM Hashes
  • Has its own highly optimized modules for different hash types and professor architectures
  • Additional assembly language routines for several professor architectures, most importantly for x86-64 and x86 with SSE2
  • When running on Linux distributions with glibc 2.7+, John additionally supports SHA-crypt hashes, with optional OpenMP parallelization
  • Running on recent versions of Solaris, John supports and auto detects SHA-crypt and SunMD5 hashes, also with optional OpenMP parallelization.

5. FS Crack- An advanced hacking software

This advanced software serves as a front for John the Riper.

  • Provides a Graphical User Interface for access to most of John’s functions
  • Increases the functionality of John the Riper
  • Provides detailed reports of password cracks
  • Makes use of the SAM file of windows to by-pass password restrictions.
  • Completely free and 100% safe and virus free.

6. Nessus Security Scanner- Hack-facilitating software

This is a network administration software which comes in a free trial version following the expiry of which it needs to be purchased.

  • Features active scanners, high speed discovery, configuration auditing asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and vulnerability assessment of your security
  • The scanners can be disseminated throughout an entire enterprise inside DMZs and across physically separate networks
  • Functions in any environment- cloud, hybrid or on-premises
  • Supports multiple technologies, more than any other vendor
  • Scale of operations vary from the smallest to the largest organizations
  • Comes in 4 versions- Nessus home which is free, Nessus Proffessional which needs to be purchased, Nessus Manager which has a free trial and Nessus Cloud which again needs to be purchased.

7. Wireshark-Network Protocol Analyzer

This software is a GTK+ based network protocol analyzer or sniffer that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of network frames.

  • Deep inspection of multiple protocols
  • Live capture and offline examination
  • Default three pane browser packet
  • Runs on multiple platforms including Linux, OS X, Solaris and others
  • Powerful display filters
  • Exquisite VoIP analysis
  • Reads and writes on many different capture file formats
  • Coloring rules applicable to the packet list for quick analysis
  • Output exported to XML, Postscript, CSV or plain text.

8. Live Bulk Mailer- Bulk Email application

This software is a professional high-performance bulk email software.

  • Defaces spam filter of Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail.
  • Offers your proxy servers to hide your IP addresses
  • Completely free of cost and no extra cost for upgradation
  • Manages opt-in mailing lists for your subscribers
  • Creates highly personalized HTML newsletters and messages to transfer them in quick time.
  • Consists of an email tracking function

9. Website Digger-Secure Hacking Software

This software searches Google’s cache to search for vulnerabilities, anomalies, configuration issues, proprietary information and unique security snippets.

  • Improved user interface in comparison to other hacking softwares
  • Does not require Google API License Key
  • Compatible with Proxy and TOR
  • Analysis of results in real time.
  • Result set which can be easily configured
  • Signatures are updated.
  • Unique ability to save signature selection and result set.

10. Putty- Free Telnet Client for Windows

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This software is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH FOR Win32 and Unix platforms.

  • Supports multiple variations on the secure remote terminal
  • Provides user control over SSH encryption key and protocol version
  • Authenticates alternate ciphers such as 3DES, Arcfour, Blowfish and DES.
  • Emulates control sequences from xterm AND VT102
  • Allows Local, remote or dynamic port forwarding with SSH

Thus, with our completely safe and secure hacking softwares, you can now have a crash course in the art of hacking right from the precincts of your home!

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The leading, best DDoS attack tools list for every business.

Did you know that DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service is one of the most powerful tools used by the hackers? Here are few facts:

  • The average cost of a DDoS attack is between $20,000-$40,000 per hour.
  • The longest attack lasted for 329 hours.
  • DDoS attacks are anticipated to double to 14.5 million by 2022.

Sound scary?

There is not doubt that DDoS attacks can create huge issues for companies. Just one hour of such an attack can make the customers suspect your business. The press picks up on such stories pretty early too. A best DDoS attack tool can help you prepare and stop such unfortunate circumstances.

What is a DDoS Attack?

Let’s start with the most obvious of questions. What really is a Distributed Denial of Service Attack? And why do you need to stop it?

It is an attack to make your site or other web resource unavailable through spam traffic. Imagine you have a shop and only 100 people can come in at a time. DDoS attack would be an act of sending 1000 robots in your store that are never gonna but anything. These robots will form a line and stop real users from getting in. Even if you build a better, bigger store they will increase the number of robots. The real shoppers will run away or even if they want to access their store, robots will block them.

Best DDoS Attack Tools

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1. LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon)

LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) is one of the best and free DDoS attack tools. This open-source is used for network testing. It was interestingly the most used tool in 2019 and 2020 to attack actual sites and cause damage. Over the last few months, LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Canon) makers have put strict protocols to stop abuse.

Written in C#, this tool is currently hosted across the internet and available for download. You can get it from Source Forge. The open-source project keeps rolling patches and updates that you might be interested in.

You can simple open the application after installation. Then, enter the URL or IP to attack along with specifications of TCP, UDP or HTTP flood. Within seconds, this tool will send message strings and packets to select ports on the target. On the HTTP attack, however, it sends GET requests repeatedly.

2. Mister Scanner

Mister Scanner is one of the most popular vulnerability scanners. We also offer DDoS testing along with vulnerability scanning to ensure that you truly test the efficiency of your product or service.

This best DDoS attack tool sends volumetric requests after vulnerability scanning. You can even plan the attacks to ensure that business is not affected either by the scan or DDoS testing. Mister Scanner can be used to launch both Layer 7 and Layer 3 attacks. Simply enter your URL or IP, type in the select time of attack.

3. SolarWinds Security Event Manager (SEM)

When it comes to the most popular attack tools for DDoS, SEM is a powerful choice. It is a testing and mitigation tool used by some of the leading companies in the world. With proper configuration, you will be able to monitor, test, and defend against the most powerful DDoS or Distributed Denial of Services attacks in the world.

  • Attack scheduling
  • Configure attack types and modes
  • Allows logging
  • Customize filters based on specific accounts/IPs, timeframes, or combinations of filters

However, it is a costly choice for small businesses who do not need standalone tools for DDoS attack.


XOIC is essentially an alternative to LOIC. It was originally built as a copy of LOIC but today it is equally popular. It is best for Layer 3, network attacks. The easy-to-use user interface makes launching attacks simple.

You simply have to enter the IP, port and protocol to launch the attack. The developers of XOIC say that it is more powerful than LOIC but we have not found that to be true. Nevertheless, XOIC DDoS attack tool is efficient with TCP/HTTP/UDP/ICMP Message to test your systems.

5. HULK (HTTP Unbearable Load King)

Need guaranteed unique requests for your DDoS attack tools? HULK (HTTP Unbearable Load King) is exactly what you need to launch such attacks. The developers of this tool have ensured that their launched attacks get past the detection systems and hurt the system.

This attack tool can launch high volume attacks that can bring down most machines. Since it is free, many attackers have also used it in the past.

  • Bypasses cache engine
  • Generates unique traffic an request that cannot be detected easily
  • High volume traffic within seconds

You can test servers and apps with HULK and ensure that they withstand even the most powerful distributed denial of service attacks.

6. Tor’s Hammer

Written in Python, Tor’s Hammer is a slow post dos testing tool. This DDoS attack tool is currently in Beta but can help you push some really powerful attacks on any system. It claims to bring down any servers on Apache and IIS by a single instance. It can also run attacks through the Tor network if you have that in the system.

However, the user interface is not sleek. The user should have some knowledge of this testing tool to launch attacks efficiently.

7. DDOSIM—Layer 7 DDOS Simulator

Looking for a Layer 7 attack tool? DDOSSIM is designed to attack the application layer of any service through zombie channels. It contacts and unleashes several zombie hosts and botnets, creating full TCP connections on any server.

  • HTTP DDoS with invalid requests (similar to a DC++ attack)
  • TCP connection flood on random port
  • HTTP DDoS with valid requests
  • Simulates several zombies in attack
  • Application-layer DDOS attacks
  • Random IP addresses
  • TCP-connection-based attacks

For instance, you can create 10 TCP connections from random IP addresses and send invalid HTTP requests to test the server. With just a little practise, this tool can prove to be lethal.

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8. R-U-Dead-Yet

RUDY implements generic HTTP DoS attack via long form field submissions. The OWASP group has done a detailed case study and research paper on how this DDoS tool is perfect for testing your system. WIth a user-friendly console menu, you can automatically target any IP or URL.

It supports SOCKS proxies and session persistence using cookies. RUDY or R-U-Dead-Yet should be a handy go-to tool for every system administrator, tester, or developer. It can exploit weaknesses within seconds.



This OWASP DDoS tool can briefly bring down any system with POST requests. Over the last few years, this tool has been used to test all kinds of networks and servers. OWASP had briefly taken down this DOS testing tool but it is again available for download. You can use it with ease.

OWASP DOS has been developed in Java and is efficient in many kinds of attacks.

  • Simulates several zombies in attack
  • Application-layer DDOS attacks
  • Random IP addresses
  • TCP-connection-based attacks
  • HTTP DDoS with invalid requests (similar to a DC++ attack)
  • TCP connection flood on random port
  • HTTP DDoS with valid requests

10. PyLoris

PyLoris proxies and SSL connections, and can target protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, and Telnet. It is designed to test different kinds of attacks. Attackers usually do not target all the protocols and simply focus on HTTP but it is important that you secure all the points in advance.

It has been seen that DDoS spammers are looking for new ways to get into the system. It is just a matter of time before FTP and IMAP DDoS attacks become common soon.

More about this tool is available here

11. GoldenEye HTTP Denial Of Service Tool

As the name would suggest, GoldenEye is designed to send HTTP requests to the server in order to overwhelm it. It is a handy tool when you just need to work with HTTP attack patterns. Research has shown that attacks originated from China re usually HTTP in nature and this one can help prepare for it.

It is python script HTTP denial of service with HTTP Keep Alive and NoCache features. GoldenEye HTTP Denial Of Service Tool is more popular among the individual testers and college students.

Download GoldenEye easily for free


Introduced in the early 2010, Davoset has been around for a decade now. While it looks like any other tool on the list but this attack tool is unique. It can launch layer 7 DDoS attacks by leveraging other websites and their resources.

It is developed to exploit Abuse of Functionality and XML External Entities vulnerabilities on vulnerable servers. Often attacks launched through this DDoS tool become untraceable and difficult to stop. You can get this tool through GitHub here. Also, there is a full demonstration video depicting the use and functionality of the tool on GitHub link.

Get the tool here

What are the types of DDoS attacks?

Distributed Denial of Service attacks have become a never-ending headache for governments and businesses. Ranging from megabytes to terabytes, you never know what kind of traffic surge will come at what time of the day.


Over the past few years, researchers have identified different kinds of DDoS attacks based on the floods and request types.

Volume Attacks

This kind of attack saturates the bandwidth of the site. Even if you are on a scalable bandwidth, the cost will multiply within seconds. Volume-based attacks are largely used by competitors, ex-employees, and haters to attack sites.

  • UDP floods, ICMP floods, and other spoofed-packet floods

Application Layer Attacks

Layer 7 attacks have become increasingly common across the world. SaaS companies often bear the brunt of this type of attacks. The attackers hide botnets and zombies behind usual requests and unleash surges.

  • GET/POST floods, low-and-slow attacks, OpenBSD vulnerabilities

Protocol Attacks

If you look at the list of tools above, many of them offer protocols to attack through the interface. This type of attack can eat up resources on your actual server or intermediary services like CDN, load balancer, or firewall.

  • Smurf DDoS, fragmented packet attacks, SYN floods, Ping of Death

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Here are some of the common attack types:

  • UDP Flood
  • ICMP (Ping) Flood
  • SYN Flood
  • Ping of Death
  • Slowloris
  • NTP Amplification
  • HTTP Flood
  • Zero-day DDoS Attacks

What is the motivation behind DDoS attacks?

Most DDos attacks are expensive. Using a best DDoS attack tool takes resources, risk and money. Why would someone be interested in wasting their time in harming others? Different kinds of attacks are launched for different reasons. Over the course of 2019 and 2020, researchers have seen an increasing number of shorter duration but high impact DDoS attacks.

Some of the common reasons for DDoS attacks are:

  • Competition

Business rivalry is one of the leading causes for this. If a rival online shop has a sale day, the best way to ruin it is through the DDoS surge. It is best to prepare for such instances.

  • Cyber Warfare

It is no secret that countries today fight on the cyber front too. States have enough money to fund such misendeavours and there is no shortage of motivation either. With just a few thousand dollars, they can bring down most government sites within hours.

  • Money

There are many businesses that are ready to pay ransom to get rid of such attacks. Just like ransomware encrypts the data, DDoS attack tools make it impossible to run business smoothly. Hackers launch long duration attacks after discovering vulnerabilities and demand money to shut them down.

  • Fun

College students, hacking enthusiasts, and black hat community often show off their skills through such attacks. There are plenty of underground competitions of such kind. They perform large-scale DDoS attacks just for the fun of it.

  • Disagreement

From religious disagreements to ideological differences, there are dozens of other reasons to target certain websites. Today, even social media feuds can trigger such large-scale, global DDos attacks for fun.

DDoS Mitigation

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In this piece, we have discussed the major components of DDoS attacks, their types, and different types of tools that you should consider. Cybersecurity and hacking are changing in many ways. A few years ago, you needed sophisticated software and coding knowledge to bring websites down.

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However, times have changed. Anyone can launch DDoS attacks with as little as a couple of hundred dollars. Businesses should consider testing and mitigation tools to ensure that their most critical web resources do not go down in the most important days.