Eas Daily Fitness Assessment

Daily Progress Report Lower Body Muscle Groups Quads Ham-strings Calves Abs High Point High Point High Point High Point Exercise Reps Weight (lbs) Minutes Between Sets Intensity Level PLAN Reps Weight Minutes Between Sets Intensity 12 10 8 6 12 12 12 10 8 6 12 12 12 10 8 6 12 12 12 10 8 6 12 12 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1. According to the Lost Cause mythology ginned up after the Civil War, Robert E. Lee was a benevolent slave owner who really fought for states’ rights. His slaves said otherwise.



The free CHAMP assessment consists of a simple battery of tests that evaluates your current fitness level and compares your results to national data. Regular fitness assessments allow you to track your progress and fine-tune your exercise program for guaranteed results.

After each assessment, a CHAMP peer counselor will review your results, help set reasonable goals and devise a 12-week program to achieve those goals. All participants that attend follow-up appointments and complete their program receive fitness-related rewards.

Fitness Assessments

Each CHAMP appointment lasts about 45-60 minutes and measures the following components of fitness:

Cardiovascular Fitness

Cardiovascular fitness is how well your cardiovascular system is able to supply oxygen and blood to the working tissues of the body. The greater your cardiovascular fitness is, the greater your ability to perform moderate to vigorous activities for longer periods of time.

Eas Daily Fitness Assessment

Eas Daily Fitness Assessment

Eas Daily Fitness Assessment

Tests Performed: Beep Test

What it targets: Aerobic Capacity, Functional Strength

How to do it: Begin by placing two markers on the ground that are 20 meters apart. Position yourself at one of the markers and press the start button on your Beep Fitness Test app. Once you hear the signal to begin the test, run to the opposite marker before the beep sounds. Wait at the marker until you hear the next beep, signaling that you can begin to run back to the other marker. Repeat this process for each shuttle until failure, note that every minute each beep level gets more difficult by shortening the time between beeps. The test stops once you miss two consecutive beeps.

Muscular Fitness

Muscular fitness is used to describe the combination of muscular strength and muscular endurance. Muscular fitness is important because it improves or maintains fat-free mass, musculotendinous integrity (which decreases risk of injury) and ability to perform activities of daily living.

Tests Performed: push-up test, sit-up test, and plank test

Push-up Test:

What it targets: Pectoralis muscles, Triceps, Deltoids, Muscular endurance

How to do it: Get into the top of a push-up position by placing hands shoulder-width apart and elbows and body straight. Women can start on their knees, with ankles raised and crossed. For men, bend your elbows and lower yourself towards the ground until your chest hits the ground. Women can make torso contact with a foam roller on the ground below them. Push yourself back up to the starting position so that your arms are straight.

Sit-up Test:

What it targets: Abdominal muscles, Muscular endurance

How to do it: Lie on your back with knees bent at 90 degrees. Place your hands behind your ears. Bring your torso towards your knees, until the elbows touch the knees; return back to the starting position. You may want to anchor your feet under a ledge or have a partner hold your feet down with their hands or knees.

Plank Test:

What it targets: Your core strength

How to do it: Hold your body in a straight line from head to heels. Keep your feet together and your elbows beneath your shoulders. Look straight down and brace for as long as you can. Focus on keeping your hips from sagging. When they do, the test is over.


Flexibility is the “pain-free” range of motion that you can achieve around a joint through a particular movement. Adequate flexibility is essential to perform activities of daily living. Poor flexibility in the hamstrings and lower back is often associated with low-back pain and possible injury.

Tests Performed: apley back scratch test, hip flexion test, and active knee extension test

Eas Daily Fitness Assessment Pdf

Apley Back Scratch Test:

Muscle Focus: Rotator cuff muscles, Shoulder ROM (range of motion)

How to Perform: Begin by standing upright and raise your right arm straight up over your head. Bend at the elbow and rotate your arm outward as you reach behind your neck with the palm facing inward, touching your upper back. Using the left hand, reach down behind your back, bending at the elbow and rotating your arm inward as your palm faces outward, away from the body. Slowly slide your right hand down your spine while your left hand reaches up thespine. Attempt to touch fingertips and overlap fingers if possible. Note: the upper arm should be kept straight, and forward head movement should be avoided.

Hip Flexion Test:

Muscle Focus: Hip flexor muscles, Hip joint ROM


How to Perform: Lie down on a flat surface, face-up. While maintaining contact with the ground for both your left thigh and hip, grab behind the knee of your right leg and pull your thigh towards your chest as much as is comfortable. It is important to not allow the opposing thigh to release contact with the floor while performing this test. Normal ROM exists if the thigh gets halfway to the chest (120-130° of hip flexion). Repeat for the other leg.

Eas daily fitness assessment upper body

Active Knee Extension Test:

Muscle Focus: Hamstring muscles

How to Perform: Begin by lying face-up on a flat surface with legs straightened and arms at your side. Flex your right hip so that it makes a 90° angle, with your knee facing upwards and your thigh perpendicular to the floor. From this position, slowly begin to straighten your right leg by extending your knee and bringing your foot up towards the ceiling. Be sure to avoid movement or flexion of both hips and the left thigh. Continue to extend your knee until discomfort occurs (without overstretching the muscle) take note of how close your leg comes to being completely straight. Normal ROM is when the knee extends straight up with the hip remaining perpendicular to the ground. Repeat for the left leg and look for symmetry.

CHAMP Interest Form

To make an appointment with a CHAMP consultant, complete the CHAMP interest form below. Prior to your initial visit, you must complete a Medical History Form and read the Pre-test Preparation Instructions.